
The Life Cycle of a Lion

                 The Life Cycle of a Lion          The life cycle of a lion is about 20 years.  It starts when they are born.  They remarkably only weigh 3 lbs on birth! Then they can actually start walking when they are 10 days old. Later, when they are 4 - 6 weeks old they are introduced to their pride. Later when they are about 6 months old they are weaned and can eat food other than their mother's milk.  When female lionesses are 11 months old they learn how to hunt. When they are about 3 - 4 years old they can reproduce and give more baby lions birth

The Life Cycle of a Spider

              The Life Cycle of a Spider                              The life cycle of a spider is fascinating.  It is very long.  It starts when eggs are put into an egg  sack weaved by the adult spider.  The adult protects the eggs until they hatch into baby spiders called "spiderlings."    The spiderlings grow up and become adult spiders.  These spiders usually about half a centimeter long.   



Life Cycle of a Ladybug

               Life Cycle of a Ladybug           The Life Cycle of a Ladybug is pretty short.  It starts when a adult ladybug lays eggs.  The eggs hatch into larva.  After that, the larva turn into pupa.  Pupa are bigger, but they're feet are tiny compared to they're body.  They start to get color, and spots.  Finally, comes the sight most people think of today when they think of ladybugs, the adult ladybug.  

The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

                               The Life Cycle of a                                               Butterfly               The Life cycle of a butterfly is amazing!  First, the adult butterfly lays eggs. The eggs hatch into a caterpillar. The caterpillar eats and eats leaves and eats until it has eaten enough to spin a chrysalis. After spinning the cocoon it stays inside for about 5 - 21 days!  After that it comes out as a full grown butterfly lays eggs, and starts the life cycle all over again.                 Thank you!                    

The Life Cycle of an Ant

                         The Life Cycle of an Ant         The life cycle of an ant is amazing! It all starts when the female queen ant lays eggs. The eggs hatch into larva, which grow to pupa then it can either turn into a female queen ant, a male soldier ant, or a female worker ant. After that the 1 out of 50.5 K eggs the queen ant lays in it's lifetime 1 is the next queen and it will lay another 50.5 K eggs and the survival of the cla n depends on those eggs. 

The Life Cycle of a Tomato Plant

                          The Life Cycle of a                                  Tomato Plant         This is the Life Cycle of a tomato plant.  First, a seed falls from the plant. The seed grows into a sprout after germinating.  Then, the youth plant will grow into a plant that is much bigger.  Finally, the plant will grow flowers where tomatoes will grow. The life cycle starts over again after the tomatoes f all and the seeds  are  planted.