
Showing posts from April, 2021

The Life Cycle of a Tomato Plant

                          The Life Cycle of a                                  Tomato Plant         This is the Life Cycle of a tomato plant.  First, a seed falls from the plant. The seed grows into a sprout after germinating.  Then, the youth plant will grow into a plant that is much bigger.  Finally, the plant will grow flowers where tomatoes will grow. The life cycle starts over again after the tomatoes f all and the seeds  are  planted.

The Life Cycle of an Elephant

                         The Life Cycle of an                                     Elephant         What is the life cycle of an elephant, you are about to find out.  First two elephants breed, the mom elephant gets a baby, the baby will grow to a bit older, but will be around the age of a todler.  The child will grow up into an adult after a long time, and then the adult will breed to start the life cycle  all over.

The Life Cycle of an Apple Tree

                           The Life Cycle of an                                       Apple Tree     Apples taste good, but do you know how they form?  First, an apple seed is planted.  Next, it germinates, and grows into a sprout. Then, it grows into a seedling witch grows into a tree. Flowers grow on the tree and shrivel and then apples grow in their place.  The life cycle will be restarted when the apples  fall from the tree and the seeds are planted. Thank you!!!

The life cycle of an oak tree

                      The Life Cycle of an                                    Oak Tree       Oak trees are huge, but do you know how they get so big?   An acorn falls from and oak tree, and then it will grow.  In a day or more the seed will germinate and grow into a sprout. The sprout will grow leaves, this is called a seedling.  In a few weeks the seedling will grow into a young tree, wich will grow flowers. The flowers will dry up and fruit will grow in their place. The life cycle will start over after the seeds fall from the fruit.

The Life Cycle of a Frog

                                   The Life Cycle of a                                                                             Frog          Hi, do you know the life cycle of a frog?   A frog lays eggs in a pond first.  Next, the eggs hatch into tadpoles they grow and grow. Then, the tadpole grows legs. The next step is that the tadpole will grow hands and will be able to get out of water a little bit. It will also start losing it's tail. Finally, the young frog called a froglet will grow bigger and completely not have it's  tail into an adult and lay eggs.                                                            Thank you!

The Life Cycle of a Great White Shark

           The Life Cycle of a Great White                                                                  Shark                 This is the Life cycle of a great white shark.  First, A adult Shark Lays eggs.  Later, the eggs hatch into tiny baby sharks called an ovoviviparity but still is being born.  Next, the baby shark becomes a newborn shark pup. It will grow into a youth shark, And keep growing and growing.  This young shark will become a adult later, and will lay eggs.                                         Thank you!       

The Life Cycle of a Star

The Life cycle of a Star                Have you ever wondered how stars form? Well you are about to read how.   It all starts with a gas cloud in space called a nebula.    Nebulas are in different shapes and sizes.          The nebula will be pushed together and will form a star.  It will have a inner red and orange sphere, and a outer yellow disk.  Then the young star will go through a series of giants, super-giants, and hypergiants. This star will keep growing, and growing... . Finally,  it will become a supernova, blow up, and become a nebula to restart the life cycle. Thank you! of a Star